Francesca Lagioia

Francesca Lagioia is Associate Professor at the University of Bologna and at the European University Institute in Florence. She works on the ethical-legal problems of artificial intelligence, computable methods of legal reasoning, and building artificial intelligence systems capable of identifying violations committed by humans or other AI systems. She publishes on these topics in prestigious international journals. She has worked with the European Parliament and the Commission. She has been a Max Weber Fellow and holds a PhD in Law, Science and Technologies. She is a member of numerous national and international research projects. She leads the EQUAL project (EQUitable Algorithms) aimed at creating Artificial Intelligence models capable of identifying instances of discrimination committed by other systems, and is scientific director of the CLAUDETTE project (CLAUseDETecTEr), a machine learning system for the identification of unfair and unfair clauses within contracts and privacy notices.

Francesca Lagioia's academic curriculum

Rosaria Carpinelli
Consulenze Editoriali

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