Cuori violenti (UE)

The book presents terrible life testimonies, directly collected in prisons, in recovery communities, on the streets, from violent youth. Against the frequent and common social removal that accompanies the proliferation of violent, criminal, deviant youth behaviors, Paolo Crepet attempts to understand, and make people understand, where such conduct originates and, beyond the degraded context, suggests how much even the decay of our affective relationships and the unwillingness to listen can influence the spread of crime among young people. Violent Hearts comes out in a new, updated edition in the Universale Economica Feltrinelli.

Details +

Publication date: 31.08.2017
Publisher: Feltrinelli UE

By the same author +
Mordere il cielo Mondadori

25 June 2024
Courage, passion, freedom Mondadori
20 November 2023
Take the Moon Mondadori - Strade Blu
27 June 2023
Lezioni di sogni Mondadori - Strade Blu

28 June 2022
Oltre la tempesta Mondadori - Strade Blu

18 May 2021
Le dimensioni del vuoto Feltrinelli UE

19 March 2021
La fragilità del bene Einaudi - Super ET

2 February 2021
Libertà Mondadori - Oscar Bestsellers

20 October 2020
Vulnerabili Mondadori - Strade Blu

15 September 2020
Libertà Mondadori

27 May 2020
Libertà Mondadori - Strade Blu

29 October 2019
Passione Mondadori - Oscar Bestsellers

1 October 2019
Perché finisce un amore Solferino

9 May 2019
Passione Mondadori

6 February 2019
Cuori violenti Feltrinelli

26 October 2018
Passione Mondadori - Strade Blu

2 October 2018
Il coraggio Mondadori - Oscar

25 September 2018
Il coraggio Mondadori

13 June 2018
Baciami senza rete Mondadori - Oscar Bestsellers

28 November 2017
Il coraggio Mondadori Strade Blu

10 October 2017
Baciami senza rete Mondadori

6 September 2016

Rosaria Carpinelli
Consulenze Editoriali

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