The Challenge

Is Italy really hopeless? Will the right and left continue to oppose each other on matters of principle, or agree on compromises that solve nothing? Are there no ideas to jumpstart the country? Luca Ricolfi points out a political way to solve the Italian rebus: the modest utopia of an unresigned skeptic.

Details +

Publication date: 01.04.2013
Publisher: Feltrinelli

By the same author +
The Foolishy Correct La nave di Teseo
22 October 2024
The Merit Revolution Rizzoli
5 September 2023
The Mutation Rizzoli

1 November 2022
Freethought Manifesto La nave di Teseo

31 March 2022
The Scholastic Damage La nave di Teseo

14 October 2021
The Night of the Water Lilies La nave di Teseo

14 January 2021
The Genteel Society of the Masses La nave di Teseo

24 October 2019
The Left and the People Longanesi

6 April 2017
The Enigma of Growth Mondadori

25 February 2014

Rosaria Carpinelli
Consulenze Editoriali

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