Sweet Life, Sweet Death

1963. The lights of Rome shimmer at the time of La Dolce Vita. Cameras flash between the slick, nervous hands of the paparazzi, scandal is the other name for social life. In the cafes everybody stays up late, the most beautiful dream is the one dreamed together. A German girl is also dreaming: she is twenty-three years old, her name is Greta, and she wants to be an actress. Until, one day in May, she is found stabbed to death in a building near Via Veneto. Beneath the dazzling surface of the capital, in fact, lies the abyss. Marcello Montecchi, 30, a brilliant byline of a prestigious Roman newspaper, knows this well. His editor asked him to follow up the case without knowing that he actually met Greta during fleeting encounters flavored with whiskey and cigarettes. And now he will have to delve into the secret and dark side of that elusive girl.

Through a new and fascinating narrative lens Giancarlo De Cataldo, drawing inspiration from an inextricable cold case that marked the Sixties in Italy, tells us about the obsessions and the mysteries of the eternal city.

Details +

Publication date: 04.10.2022
Publisher: Rizzoli - Novelle nere

By the same author +
The kiss of the hornet Einaudi Stile Libero
4 June 2024
A long New Year's Eve in noir Guanda
7 November 2023
Backfire Einaudi Stile Libero
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Un cuore sleale La Repubblica

13 August 2022
The Swede Einaudi Stile Libero

14 June 2022
Alba nera Métailié
11 March 2022
Il suo freddo pianto Einaudi Stile Libero

1 June 2021
Un cuore sleale Einaudi Stile Libero

24 November 2020
Una pistola in vendita Sellerio

12 November 2020
Tre passi per un delitto Einaudi Stile Libero

14 July 2020
Io sono il castigo Einaudi Stile Libero

26 May 2020
Io sono leggenda Mondadori - Oscar Cult

1 April 2020
Almost By Accident Mondadori - Il giallo

12 November 2019
Cha-Ching! L'Arte del Risparmio Franco Maria Ricci

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Sbirre Rizzoli - Vintage

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Romanzo criminale Corriere della Sera

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Black Dawn Rizzoli - Nero

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L'agente del caos Einaudi - Super ET

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Sbirre Rizzoli - nero

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Sbirre Rizzoli - nero

3 July 2018
L'agente del caos Einaudi Stile Libero

3 April 2018
Un fitto mistero Contrasto

19 October 2017
Cocaine Einaudi Stile Libero
1 February 2013

Rosaria Carpinelli
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