© Adolfo Frediani

Federica Manzon

Federica Manzon was born in Pordenone, lives and works in Milan. She is the author of Come si dice addio (2008), Di fama e di sventura (2011, Premio Rapallo Carige, Premio Campiello Selezione Giuria dei Letterati, Premio Asti d’Appello), La nostalgia degli altri (2017), Il bosco del confine (2020) and Alma (2024, Premio Alassio, Premio Campiello, Premio Stresa). She is editor of I mari di Trieste (2015) and of the tour guide Trieste - percorsi d'autore (2022). Her writings have appeared in severals magazines, anthologies and collections. She has worked as foreign fiction editor at Mondadori and as the director of educational projects at Scuola Holden. She is part of the organizazion committee of the Pordenonelegge festival, and writes for Il Piccolo, the main daily newspaper of Trieste. She is the editorial director of Guanda.

Press +
Titles +
Alma (Return to Trieste) 16 January 2024
Of fame and misfortune 16 January 2024
Trieste - percorsi d'autore 23 September 2022
Il bosco del confine 10 September 2020
La nostalgia degli altri 6 April 2017
Foreign Publishers +

Croatia (Mozaik),
France (Albin Michel),
Hungary (Europa Könyvkiadó)
Portugal (Book Cover),
Russia (Alpina),

Rosaria Carpinelli
Consulenze Editoriali

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