The Wizard of the Words

What happens if the new Italian teacher is a strange guy who comes up with a new one every day? He hangs signs, draws maps, improvises quizzes, sets the desk with a tea service. He explains grammar like a game of chess, writes etymological formulas on the blackboard and solves them like puzzles, turns words into stories full of twists and turns. He crosses them, manipulates them, invents them, translates them into sounds and colours, flavours and scents. Along with literary classics, he quotes songs, comics, films and never stops conversing with all the students: he listens, comments, jokes, encourages. An unpredictable professor who occasionally balances something on his head and remains motionless until silence returns; he never gives grades and only writes advice in sonnet form on his report card. It happens that learning the language, its rules, its history becomes a fascinating adventure. Grammar, after all, is just the art of saying things in the right way at the right time. So here is the Accademia d'arte grammatica: a secret society where boys and girls meet outside school to have fun playing with the Italian language. It happens that such an experience can change your life. And indeed, to the person telling this story - years later, with undiminished emotion and a bit of nostalgia - life changed it.

Details +

Publication date: 14.01.2025
Publisher: Einaudi
Number of Pages: 208
Country: Italy

Press +
By the same author +
Life of the Words Il Mulino
28 October 2023
Il Dante di tutti Einaudi

11 October 2022
Il mondo visto dalle parole Solferino

19 November 2020
L'influenza delle parole Corriere della Sera

6 June 2020
Il museo della lingua italiana Oscar Saggi - Mondadori

3 June 2020
Una vita tra le parole Corriere della Sera

30 December 2019
Il sentimento della lingua Il Mulino

17 October 2019
L'italiano. Parlare, scrivere, digitare Treccani

4 July 2019
Volgare eloquenza Economica Laterza

7 February 2019
Il museo della lingua italiana Mondadori

30 October 2018
Ma cosa vuoi che sia una canzone Corriere della Sera

7 March 2018
L’italiano nella società della comunicazione 2.0 Corriere della Sera

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La lingua in cui viviamo Bur - Rizzoli

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A True Italian Rizzoli
8 September 2016
Comunque anche Leopardi diceva le parolacce Mondadori
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La vita non è in rima Laterza

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Rosaria Carpinelli
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